So I'm a member of the Reform and Revolution Caucus in DSA, and we're selling subscriptions to our eponymous magazine. Here's why you should subscribe:

Support a Revolutionary Marxist caucus within DSA

Tired of DSA acting like libs? Us too! We're trying to agitate within DSA to bring revolutionary Marxism to radicalizing layers of the working class. We're not entryist, because bureaucratic maneuvering tends to fuck things up. We ARE trying to raise the class consciousness of the working class within DSA. Subscription pays for costs AND helps us organize.

The Analysis is On Point

Timely articles about how DSA can seize this moment. Class analysis of current events. Doesn't post clickbait cringe like Jacobin often does.

Artwork is Pretty

Look at the cover of the latest magazine and tell me that shit isn't gorgeous. Socialism means good art, as we all know.

You Can Choose Your Level of Support

Yeah, we're all broke, but for a magazine subscription of timely information, this one is cheap. Still too rich for you? Contact people at the link, let them know, and we'll hook you up.

Disclaimer: I am not in the employ of Reform and Revolution and did not ask anyone before posting this. I'm just excited about our magazine, y'all.