Coffee grown worldwide can trace its heritage back centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau. There, legend says the goat herder Kaldi first discovered the potential of these beans :bean: .
The story goes that that Kaldi discovered coffee after he noticed that after eating the berries from a certain tree, his goats became so energetic that they did not want to sleep at night.
As word moved east and coffee reached the Arabian peninsula, it began a journey which would bring these beans across the globe.
Coffee cultivation and trade began on the Arabian Peninsula. By the 15th century, coffee was being grown in the Yemeni district of Arabia and by the 16th century it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey.
Coffee was not only enjoyed in homes, but also in the many public coffee houses — called qahveh khaneh — which began to appear in cities across the Near East. The popularity of the coffee houses was unequaled and people frequented them for all kinds of social activity.
European travelers to the Near East brought back stories of an unusual dark black beverage. By the 17th century, coffee had made its way to Europe and was becoming popular across the continent.
In the mid-1600's, coffee was brought to New Amsterdam, later called New York by the British.
Question of the day :maduro-coffee: :meow-coffee:
:brace-cowboy: Whats your Favorite way to Drink Coffee
:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:
Remember, sort by new you :LIB:
Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:
Follow the ChapoChat twitter account :comrade-birdie:
THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:
Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:
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i fell out of the habit of drinking coffee in the fall but i will never quit team french press
Can you lick your eyeball to moisten your eyes rather than blinking yet?
It'll probably honestly be when we get conclusive evidence who in here is the FBI plant
More like who isn't an FBI plant
It's me. I'm the only one.
Moved out of my old apartment cus landlord wouldn't drop the rent $40 (to match the newly empty unit next door).
Been out about a month and he's already dropped the price $400/month for my old one and $400 a month + offering a free month rent in the nextdoor unit. Eat shit you slumlord. :mao-aggro-shining:
I need to stop fucking with Reddit. Too many articles now fawning over every move Biden makes. So he said science is real, who gives a fuck? Did everyone forget about child separation? Healthcare? Stimulus checks? Are we doing anything about the Supreme Court? Are we going to be talking about the impeachment trial for the next 6 months? Does anyone remember that some Puerto Ricans are still sleeping under tarps?
Oh but he said climate change is happening.
Biden's newly appointed treasury secretary Janet Yellen made millions from Citadel, the hedge fund that just pressured Robinhood into blocking retail investors from buying stock.
I know this is some lib shit, but HBO should cast a trans woman in the new Harry Potter tv show, just to annoy JK Rowling. As a treat.
@Beatnik @ScreamoBMO @renamon Lets talk about bean juice in today's Megathread :maduro-coffee:
I downloaded a browser extension that automatically skips sponsored parts of youtube videos. It's the best. No more pubes shavers or annoying mobile game ads. :pingu-horny: