:warren-snake-green: :warren-medusa: :warren-snake:


  • Phish [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    There are plenty of people out there who have done worse things but I have a special hatred for Warren because she pretended to be a leftist and completely fucked the closest thing to a leftist presidential candidate I'll probably ever see in america. I know it's electoralism but fuck that ghoul.

    • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
      3 years ago

      Eh, kneecapping Bernie was really a whole-party effort and she managed to get fucking zilch from Biden for her contribution lol. At this point I don't even hate her as much as I just find her pathetic.

      • Phish [he/him, any]
        3 years ago

        Haha I'm definitely not laying 100% of the blame on Liz, she has nowhere near that power level. I'm just saying the fact that she pretended to be a leftist then acted very strongly against leftist interests makes me hate her more.

          • Phish [he/him, any]
            3 years ago

            Yeah, I think that checks out. It's funny, thinking back to that Pete move it's pretty obvious the DNC thought Pete was their guy at the time.

    • Zo1db3rg [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      How the fuck do people like her? Its mind boggling. Over and over she demonstrates not only how big of a fork tongued snake bitch she is but she says and does the dumbest shit I've seen in politics and yet somehow people keep supporting her.

      • BasedGiraffe [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Most of the people I know who like her are libs that are borderline soc dems but too well off to even be that. They want to feel morally superior to chuds but still want their class interests protected on a subconscious level, and do actually believe in meritocracy.

        One of my coworkers is a really smart guy who does genuinely good hard work, but he wants a technocracy and believes in meritocracy because it worked for him.

        I also know several radlibs who think she is the same as Bernie and argued with me about why would I not support the female progressive candidate.

        Anecdotal but that’s all I got.

      • Phish [he/him, any]
        3 years ago

        A lot of people don't actually give a fuck about policy they just pick somebody and go with it. The fact that she isn't an old white man probably attracted people who play politics in more of a cultural significance kind of way, though that obviously didn't help Kamala lol. I think there's also some sense to the idea that "progressive" messaging speaks to people. It worked for Obama. It even worked for Bernie up to a point, the only reason it fell short for Bernie and not Obama is that there weren't as many coordinated negative attacks from inside the party being leveled at Obama. Liz had at least a few boxes checked off for a certain type of voter, unfortunately that type of voter is more often than not a dumbass.