Brown_Pelican [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2020


  • Brown_Pelican [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I mean yeah, fuck everything about fossil fuels, I don't have my concerns with nuclear energy because I am interested in fossil fuels or anything. They've been absolutely catastrophic on our existence from micro-plastics, greenhouse gasses, its extraction, creating car culture, to air pollution etc. etc. I wish they were phased out and all but eliminated decades and decades ago.

    Like I was stating above, I'm hopeful on solar and wind meeting more of the future energy needs than nuclear power. I know both also have massive environmental issues with lithium/rare earth metal extraction, or airborne wildlife impacts from wind farms, but they don't have the potential to displace hundreds of thousands or millions of people when they go wrong either.

    That's basically my only concern, but I'm also worried about the potential impacts of how the waste is stored hundreds, thousands of years down the line too. Idk, I trust it enough if it's guaranteed to be run properly, but how can we make certain governments won't fuck it up like they've let fossil fuels utterly destroy biodiversity, the environment, and people's health?

  • Brown_Pelican [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I'm overall pretty neutral on the issue, but my main problem with it is when it has gone bad, it has gone really bad.

    I think it's appropriate to use it (rather than fossil fuels) to fill gaps for solar, wind and other renewables, but I'd be lying if I said I'd feel comfortable living near a nuclear facility either.

    That and I really have a tough time trusting the United States properly taking care of the waste, but that's true for literally everything toxic lol.

  • Brown_Pelican [he/him]tomain"We don't have a social credit system."
    3 years ago

    Some of the comments under that thread are disgusting. A “resistor” in that thread who’s an underwriter retweeted this though:

    lmfao. Guess a lot of people’s anti Trump clout is over

  • *please excuse my slightly tinfoil hat here

    idk if this has been posted but this is an interesting read. i have one insanely insanely wealthy friend with connections who work on wall st who can somewhat confirm a disaster was seconds away without their interference.

    I'm not certain how much truth there is in all this but god damn this might be bigger than a couple hedge funds going under. tomorrow might be a really interesting day. if this reddit post does have some truth to it, i have a feeling they "solved" most of the issues today because big money always wins but still..

  • Brown_Pelican [he/him]tofinanceAOC GAMESTOP AOC GAMESTOP
    3 years ago

    This is good of her, even if you don't like anything going on with stock market. Big money is colluding to fleece people in what was a fragile situation to begin with. Like, I knew it was coming but didn't expect it to be this blatant, literally everybody involved is seeing this manipulation.

    The ghouls in congress in support of wall st may block any investigation into the actual corruption by the super rich in the market, making AOC politics look good, even to your 18 y/o who is completely politically illiterate and likes el0n m*sk's rocket ships and got caught up in this. the neo fash like hawley may criticize it the same, and that's where we need to help guide the rage people have towards Marxist theory, even if it's just as simple as discussing class warfare, disconnect between stock market/material conditions etc.

    But hey, if millions more realize what a sham the stock market is and realize that the rich will do anything to protect their capital, the better. :amerikkka: We just need to help guide those who now have a taste of the market and this mini example of class warfare where big money is actively working behind the scenes to screw over retail traders.

    Let's all try and make good of this situation. :comrade-birdie:

  • "A separate Federal Reserve report indicates the top 10% of households by net worth control 87.2% of the equities in this country at the end of the first quarter. While the top 1% have always controlled 70% to 80% of stock market value since record-keeping began in 1989, this is the highest level of ownership ever, other than the fourth quarter of 2019, when it was 88.1%."

    Just want to post this for reference in regards to the other 40%. It's still the classic wealth inequality issue. While the 40% are better off than the bottom 50% (outside of some exceptions of course) they still only control close to 10% of all equity. And the rich are constantly trying to gain more.

    What I’m saying though relates to findings like this. It’s possible that RobinHood has skewed these numbers somewhat over the past couple years but I’d wager that it hasn’t been dramatic. What this shows is that roughly 50% of households don’t have a single penny invested in the stock market. And that’s in the US, one of the richest countries in the world. So I think it is fair to say that most of the working proletariat isn’t involved in the stock market and that it’s a bourgeoisie enterprise. My goal in highlighting it as a bourgeoisie enterprise isn’t to negate people like your friends who throw a few bucks at the market here and there. The goal in talking about broad groups under Capitalism is to not get lost in the outliers, like your friends. They are statistical outliers. The goal of looking at large trends under Capitalism is to focus on groups of people, and as a group, most workers aren’t involved in the market.

    One of the main goals under Communism is to unite and give power to workers of the world as a way of abolishing Capital. Therefore, if roughly 50% of the workers (in the US, likely much higher worldwide) are not involved in the market, then isn’t it a bourgeoisie enterprise? Again, in no way can I discount the fact that there are a few outliers (workers that are involved in the stock market) but if the goal is to have a Socialist/Communist project, we need to look at the broad trends. And the broad trends tell the same story.

    These are really good points, and I agree with where you're coming from entirely. Unfortunately, I think the capitalists have purposely forced U.S. citizens into the market to get out of poverty/near poverty in large part to keep us interested in keeping the status quo. Look again at who owns the stocks in the link at the top. This leads to those 40% ^^ of people who had their 401k's decimated in April to not be opposed to the stock market bail outs because it props up their whole retirement plans. But who is really making all the money? The people at the top of course who own almost all the equity. And who is getting fucked over? The average worker of course. Even those with 401k's ultimately too, they just are too invested in the system to notice. This is 100% a huge dilemma we have to face and i'm not sure how to even begin solving that within capitalism. It's this dilemma that literally connected the last dots of Marxist theory for me. With that said however,

    The younger generations (I'm a millennial) are far less attached to the market (link is a bit outdated but point largely stands) so I think we have a really good opportunity here to radicalize people when all eyes are on the market, and hardly any of the younger generations money is tied to it. But we need to be smart about it, all of us.

    With that said, you're entirely correct that ultimately this event means nothing in terms of taking on capital. I don't think it's praxis or anything, but I think it's a strategy we can point to as a mini example of class warfare for those in the wsb community. You'll see them commenting on this regularly. Everybody on wsb knew it was big money vs the little retail trader. I truly think some of these people who aren't chuds can be led to Marxist theory. They had 4 million subs, with most probably being 18-30 years old. I bet we all know somebody subbed there who isn't a complete chud. We should use our knowledge to try and radicalize them, because otherwise the chuds will. Just look at this!! I found this immediately while typing this up. It's legit personal beyond money for some of these people. Maybe many can't be reached but I think we owe it to ourselves as leftists to try.

    Lastly and to build off what I'm saying, many will be absolutely enraged if, and more likely, when the government/big money screw over these people. Wallstreetbets discord already got shut down, apparently because of ableism. While it's true their culture is appalling, this is 100% not the reason they were shut down this afternoon. It's because they got a punch in on the rich. And many of these gamestop traders just have a couple shares and just along for the ride and are not complete chuds. We just need to try and direct that rage, because there are a lot of angry people and material conditions are at the worst in like a century, and I'm sure many have either felt it or know someone who has.

    Dang I’m really sounding like a wet blanket here (I’m fun at parties I swear!)

    You're not! You make really good points. Leftists should 100% be challenged on any admiration of the stock market because it's the literal heart of the capitalist devil. It's exploitive and makes companies make working conditions/environment worse. But with that said, I think if a leftist truly knows what they're doing, understands the implications, and knows how to make some money, i'm not personally hating on them either. I won't encourage it, since big money runs the show and we don't want to give them quarterly bonus money, but hey we all gotta do what we need to survive, be it rent/healthcare. Unless they own insane amounts of stock, or any defense contractor/oil company or egregiously evil companies lol.

    Anyway, nice discussion with you. I'm in desperate need of a break from the internet today so I hope you have a nice evening!