Missing those days of the old subreddit when I was just getting engaged in lefty politics. That sub was so uplifting. So many detailed analyses that I wish I saved. So many hilarious posts that always filled me with joy. Before I found the old sub I thought leftists were humorless assholes but r/cth really brought me along and cemented myself as a leftist.

I can’t exactly pin what’s different here but the whole vibe is off. I really wish it could capture the spirit of the old place but I’m not so sure. I know I’m not the most prolific poster but I’ve given this place 6-7 months and I’m not certain whether I want to continue or not. I’ll admit, I got caught up in the GME hype. Maybe because I seriously thought my life would materially improve at least slightly. I’m done with that stocks shit for right now. The split that happened on the site as a result of it was pretty bad. I really hope we can all do better, especially at lashing out at each other.

If you’re from the old sub who’s been along for the ride I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My life is much richer thanks to you all of you.

    • wantonviolins [they/them]
      3 years ago

      I think we're remembering the sub from a time when we weren't all stuck indoors 24/7/365, and were probably happier as a result. We could see the fun stuff, miss the other stuff, zip around to different posts interacting in a mostly drive-by fashion because it was much, much faster, and we had more community unifying events like getting brigaded or otherwise harassed by chuds wandering in from elsewhere on reddit.

      we have extremely limited opportunities here to shout "hog out or log out" at people and that really gave us a feeling of community cohesion