I don't need a job, I need money. The job is just the easiest way to get it. I fucking hate working. I hate the work, I hate having someone tell me what to do, I hate my coworkers, I hate having to get up to repeat the same day over and over and over and over. I hate having no time for myself after the work day is over. I hate the feeling of Sunday night. It's not like I can even afford anything either? How am I going to retire or buy a house? At best I can apply for the chance at another job in the same area paying the same wage doing the same work. At worst I can put my education to waste doing more grueling work for less pay. And then (since I live in Liberal Mountain, Idaho), I don't even get healthcare for """"""""""""less skilled""""""""""" work.

I don't want to do this shit. Why is there a celebration of putting people to work when work blows?! Why is there no concerted effort towards automating away the need for work?

  • _else [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    id be down for a tax funded 'just making fucking railroads and building solar panels and prefab housing or whatever' factory, where anybody can show their ID, clock in, and, once they've done the hour long orientation/certification, do a few hours of dumb labor+walk out with a check. a "have people read books aloud and make audiobooks of them, paid by 1.15x audio duration of book" of just the whole library of congress. random useful contributions to open source projects. simple easily quantifiable accomplishable-in-piece-work snippets of thing that literally anyone can step up to and make a living off, should they so wish.

    fuck there are days when I've wanted to do shit like this, and been rebuffed by capitalism. told that I can't, that I'm not allowed.