I'm honestly really confused. Like, every single strip I've seen is just so incredibly unfunny. But apparently it is or at least was incredibly popular?? How exactly did it become so popular? Are there actually people who are like "ah Garfield, I love Garfield so much, I can't wait for the next Garfield to drop" or was it like something people saw and shrugged and said "alright" and moved on?

I actually searched in Google to find people posting actually funny Garfield strips, and at least in most of the ones people were bringing up you could see where the joke was supposed to be, or there was an actual attempt at a joke. In most of them. When the "cream of the crop" only "mostly" passes as a joke then there's a problem.

Of all the "best" ones, there was a total of 4 which... Weren't funny exactly but at least they actually had a punchline that was kinda cute I guess. This was the best I managed to find: http://images.ucomics.com/comics/ga/1988/ga881207.gif

Yeah, that. That's the most amazing I could find. Both the movies were like 100 times better than anything in the strips, and that says a lot. I seriously can't understand it and because Garfield was never popular here, I don't personally know anyone who read that shit, and I can't help but feel like it's all a big joke or something lol

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Garfield Minus Garfield is actually a good idea. Who knew he could have made the strips better by putting in even LESS effort.

      • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That was actually the original intention of the strip, Jon being alone, rarely going out because he's a freelance cartoonist. Garfield was always just supposed to be a regular cat, but thinks about snarky comments. That intention gets obfuscated when Garfield starts standing on two legs and starts going with Jon everywhere, even when it makes no sense for a cat to come with him.