Only 2% of the population is vaccinated, and Winter was supposed to keep Covid-19 at fever pitch from indoor transmissions. Peoples' behavior hasn't changed much. Did they just mobilize all testing to vaccinations instead?

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It is either because there was a big wave that's over, or because more people than have been accounted for have gotten covid so it is having a harder time finding new hosts than before, or possibly a combination of these things plus the vaccines (which probably means less spread through hospitals too). I believe it can't JUST be the first one since it seems that the R value was above 1 before Christmas, while it is less than 1 now so something must have changed compared to before either in the behavior of people or measures or available hosts.

    OR they are testing less. If that is the case we shouldn't see a decrease in deaths in the following 2 weeks.