Anyone else think they're literally never gonna get vaccinated? I'm young so, at the rate my province is going, it'll be 2+ years before I get vaccinated. I also believe the immunity provided by the vaccine is expected to be less than a year... So basically I will never receive a vaccine while my country worries about getting vaccines to older and more vulnerable people before their immunity runs up. It's good that vulnerable people are being prioritized, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but be so angry about this whole situation. Canada is such a wealthy nation, and yet this is the best we can do? It's absolute fucking bullshit. Also, I can't help but resent people who say that "this is just how life is now" and that "we just need to accept it". I cannot describe how detrimental COVID has been to my mental health. I literally cannot socialize or do any of the things I used to love doing. During this time, it's a fucking miracle if people with a history of great mental health can manage to not be depressed. Telling people to "get used to it" is a giant middle finger to anyone who is struggling. It's basically saying "if you're struggling to cope, then it's you that's the problem."

When people say "just get used to it", do they think about disabled people whose services have been shut down? What about sick people who can't risk leaving the house but also don't have nearby family members to deliver groceries? What about fucking homeless people who literally have no place to self isolate when they get sick?? It's so fucking stupid that people believe keeping kids at home is okay while simultaneously thinking parents should still be working, much less putting out the same productivity at work. Women are expected to magically find an extra 8 hours a day to coach their child into focusing on a screen, and if it affects their job performance then of course they are "bad employees".

I'm just so fucking pissed. We have iphones and jetplanes and particle physics, we even have multiple developed vaccines, we just can't figure out how to get them into everyone's arms because the profits and IP rights of medical research companies are more important. I'M SO FUCKING MAD.

  • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    vote harderer next time babe this is the most important election of our lives please donate

  • Shmyt [he/him,any]
    3 years ago

    Please President Diaz-Canel, our country yearns for vaccines :fidel-peace: