22 conversions? tell me more. Also, i've been looking for the cheapest ammo already, and it's still like 0.90 to 1.20 per bullet.
It's almost never cheap but it's also never THAT expensive.
If the last ten years are any indication, fucking never, but you should watch and periodically check for bulk sellers in the Midwest dropping their prices just enough for you to pounce on them like a cougar and buy up enough to last for another 10 years
i mean, if you shoot a hundred rounds a person on a range day, and you bring 5 people with you, and you go once every 2 weeks, that's like 2700 rounds. and that's a conservative estimate. prices are like $1 per round now, so that's like $2700/year bare minimum. when we got into this, it would have been like $700 for the same supply, so we were able to shoot more and hang out most of the day on a weekend. now it's like a bourgeois holiday, and plus those guys i ran with were kind wack in retrospect.
idk i'm just bummed with how this worked out. I also notice less ppl posting here and generally the left community has shrank since biden became the nominee.
One aspect of it is that this place springs up whenever there's "actual news" going on, it was that way on the sub too.
I would agree with you that there's a larger trend, I just think that it's important to account for the usual short term effects of not very much happening as well.
I feel like there's so much happening right now, but people are checked out and in their lil quarantine bubbles feeling a paradoxical mixture of fear and apathy.
if you shoot a hundred rounds a person on a range day
I've found that longer range shooting (or just an enhanced focus on accuracy at even 100 yards) -- especially if you mix in a few dry fires between live shots to work on trigger control -- dramatically cuts back on my ammo usage. Might be worth trying to keep costs manageable.
sure, but i'm going to be starting over with novices, so they'll need time and opportunity to practice things at a closer distance etc. Thanks for the idea though.
You might still be able to focus on accuracy at 50 or even 25 yards and walk it out as necessary. This could help prevent ammo sticker shock and get them out to the range more often (good for building habits).
Cool as shit you're getting novices out there either way
:chavez-guns: :chavez-salute:
my old lefty gun group fell apart due to drama (people started dating each other, toxic guy energy, etc) and the squeeze. trying to get a trans/queer focused group started when this chills out and the weather changes.
I fell into it entirely by accident. I started volunteering at an infoshop, met a friend, their roommates and friends would come to the apartment and hang out, i started to go to the bar together with those other friends, and then before we knew it we had our own little "gun education" affinity group.
me too, although the first step is to find more friends since the old goofballs sabotaged their own group. I think I'm going to make a "dating" profile and casually vet new friends that way, primarily looking for other women.
certainly. i also feel older and, having gone thru some life changes this year, i hope that while im still struggling with mental health stuff, ill be in a better place to be more of a guiding and helpful figure to others who want to get started. That wouldn't have been possible without the other group, so I'm grateful for the past even if I'm not inclined to repeat it, you know?
Sometimes life like that
Primers aren’t even on the market. Manufactures are withholding them for the next production run, but I highly recommend looking into a press. It’s cheaper anyway to do the work yourself but also the constituent parts are often more available than finished ammo.
It’s cheaper anyway to do the work yourself
Is it? I've done the math on this and it doesn't look like it lowers the price below cheap stuff on the market now.
I could see it if your ammo is particularly expensive, or if you want to get higher-quality ammo for the price of something cheaper (albeit at the expense of your own labor), but if you're just going on pure price I'm not sure it makes sense.
Keep searching for slug & casings sold loose out there.
I’m not smelting slugs or anything but we do this as a collective for .556 9mm & .45, it’s definitely cheaper.
Where would i start? I was an amateur before this price hike happened, just getting by with the help of friends that i've now drifted quite far from (long story)
This is what we use on the farm:
You can swap the die sets and plates for any caliber.
That's dope as fuck, I'm saving for this now. However, the link says that particular one is out of stock, do you know what the key words would be for a bullet-creating machine like this?
Seems like not for a while... In fact, several manufacturers recently
announcedindicated an upcoming base price increase of 3-15% for their ammunitions, so this will also probably feed into the current situation