Fetterman immediately was endorsed by two large unions (steel workers and food service) representing 80000 Pennsylvanians. Within just two days of announcing his candidacy he has received 37000 small dollar donations from all 67 counties in Pennsylvania and all 50 states.

Fetterman was endorsed by Bernie Sanders in all of his election cycles and was one of the only people elected to high office in Pennsylvania to endorse Sanders for president in 2020.

  • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Those people aren't going to be organizing unions or doing mutual aid anyway.

    I agree there are much more valuable places to direct money and effort. Unfortunately many people still believe in electoralism. Before they can come to a position where they reject electoralism in favor of more productive efforts, they must embrace socialism.

    • regenerativedespair [she/her]
      4 years ago

      OK, how about this reasonable alternative choice the bernie campaign could've made:

      spend as little money as possible, collect as much as possible, save it, know that they will lose anyway, and then use 80+% of those millions as a strike fund for unions that endorsed them.

      This is the kind of campaign i would volunteer for. Not the one they ran. We need to take rich (which, to me, who makes less than a grand a month, is most everyone in the US) liberal's money and tell them it's for a good cause that makes sense to them. Just my two cents.

      • astigmatic [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        how do you think you collect the money without campaigning. do you think he would’ve collected so much if he wasn’t trying to win and if people didn’t want to make him president. i don’t think your idea really makes sense tbh

        • regenerativedespair [she/her]
          4 years ago

          you campaign, you just don't spend much money while campaigning, and you tell people you're raising money for a movement not a campaign, so you can spend the money on something....actually important and lasting. i don't know how else to explain this? Whatever, it's irrelevant, elections are foolish wastes of time like, just like my ex. I'm going to go cry about her now.

        • grisbajskulor [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Pretty sure the answer is a big no.

          I understand OP's thinking that money was wasted on the electoral campaign, and part of me agrees w her - but there aren't really very smart ways to participate in electoralism with an intention to ultimately subvert it. I think running demsoc/socdem electoral campaigns is a good thing leftists are doing. Sure we could all pool our resources together to fund strike funds & mutual aid groups instead, and it would have resulted in significantly better material circumstances than an electoral campaign. But at the same time, participating in electoral movement building while agitating against the establishment is important training ground for leftist orgs. There's no reasonable hope that a Leninist can rise to power at the moment (look at PSL who decided to back Bernie, though I'm not sure if it extended beyond critical support into canvassing or anything).

          I think at a time when socdems and Leninists completely lack power, an electoral campaign is a good idea for all of us. I definitely don't regret working w DSA to canvass for Bernie, M4A, GND etc, even though I don't consider myself a social democrat - I still think that's the kind of consciousness that needs to be raised, and I like to think I played a small role in that. I'm not convinced that there's a feasible alternative where we could have done more.

          I'm not under any illusion that Bernie would seize the means - but I think Bernie in power would have at least done SOMETHING to limit US imperialism. Obviously in retrospect, the missing ingredient is an organized & militant working class, but I think that's the case with every possible scenario you could play out, including any kind of nation-wide strike fund. We can't rely solely on our own crowdsourced charity to sway large swaths of the working class, the same way we can't rely solely on an electoral campaign.

          I'm still learning a lot so I'm not writing this with much confidence, but that's my DSA-aligned broad take on electoralism I suppose. Forgive me as I continue reading some Lenin.

        • regenerativedespair [she/her]
          4 years ago

          i mean, trump just did that, but for his indebted businesses, and i don't see anything coming of that specifically for him.

          • regenerativedespair [she/her]
            4 years ago

            And here's the thing; this money could have been used as STIMULUS CHECKS during covid.

            It was perfectly timed for that. Imagine voters in swing states getting checks from bernie after he drops out, along with something inviting them to their local DSA chapter etc. There's a reason that Trump fought so hard to get his name on the stimulus checks, that shit matters politically when the economy does another oopsie.

            Political instincts in the bernie camp were...bad. I'm sorry, but we can't improve it if we can't retroactively critique it.

            • grisbajskulor [he/him]
              4 years ago

              I responded to you in another comment before you posted this - but damn I would really love to see the feasibility of this. Upon quick googling I found this on fec.gov

              Gifts to charity are not considered personal use expenses as long as the candidate does not receive compensation from the charitable organization before it has expended the entire amount donated. Note that the amount donated must have been used for purposes that do not personally benefit the candidate.

              According to this what you're proposing would actually be totally possible. I'm 99% sure the state would find a way to ratfuck it of course, but it would have been worth it regardless.

              Obviously this was never Bernie's aim so there's not much that can be applied in retrospect. But it's a very interesting idea and interesting critique.

              • regenerativedespair [she/her]
                4 years ago

                Thanks for not immediately shooting down my point of view, it was nice to be validated that i'm not a useless idiot with no good ideas tonight. this has been a difficult week. i hope yours goes better than mine has, comrade.

                • grisbajskulor [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  I approach this website knowing that I don't know much, so I stay very humble during discussions. I pull everything out of my ass so I constantly fight my urge to be defensive. Your idea is half baked, but no more half baked than mine, so I'm glad you're being critical.

                  I'm sorry about your difficult week comrade. My DMs are open any time. Hope things are looking up for you today <3