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  • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I don't see how God existing would give humanity a point, at least God wouldn't necessarily give us a meaningful point.

    The argument seems to be one of two things:

    (1) a created thing has a purpose, therefore if humans are created they must have a purpose. However, if this is true there is no reason to think that purpose would necessarily be meaningful or desirable to created thing. E.g. Computers and domestic animals have purposes and are created. If by some freak accident either computers or domesticated animals were to become self aware in the human sense, it seems unlikely to me they'd find the "purpose" we've assigned them to be meaningful.

    (2) an all powerful being can by it's nature create purpose. Again, there's not reason to think this purpose would necessarily be meaningful or desirable. Furthermore, this seems like just an appeal to authority. We live in a world with greater material powers than us already. The meanings and purposes created by these powers are often recognized as illegitimate.

    Now you could state that all good, all powerful creator god would by necessity give humans a meaningful purpose. However, if that's true then that meaningful purpose is obscured to us just as the nature of God is obscured to us (this is self evident from all the religious & philosophical debate about this topic). And just as in an atheistic world, it'd be up to humans to develop/discover meaningful purpose thru reason and spiritual practice.

    Adding God, imo, doesn't seem to help "humanity to have a point" in a pragmatic sense.