Sometimes it's ok to buy dumb shit if it makes you happy. While I was high I bought a pair of Alpenflage M70 combat trousers. They were just calling out to me. Had to get em. No idea what I'll wear em with.

    • MonarchLabsOne [he/him]
      3 years ago

      We live in a rural town, surrounded by farms and ranches.

      We asked around and no one had this chicken breed. Could have been a child's show chicken. Dunno. We fell in love with her. Her name is Rashelle.

      The kittens belonged to a young starving momma cat that showed up in our yard. They were very sick and she was very thin so we snagged them to make sure they lived through the winter. One of us used to work with cats, so we are prepping them for adoption. We have two girls and boy. The boy may stay with us as he seems very shy and might have trouble adjusting.

      We are going to vlog about Rashelle a bit, she's very entertaining.