...So you pick up a history book to figure out US's angle

From Peter Dale Scotts: American War Machine-Deep Politics, The Cia and the Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan





TL:DR the US turned Burma-Laos and Thailand into a heroin growing triangle (The Golden Triangle) much like they did with the Mafia in Sicily and Marseilles.

The Drug traffickers and drug money became a huge way of CIA to implant bourgeois ideology and suppress communists and the growing popularity of the PRC. They even used ex-Nazis as agents for drug smuggling. It also gave US unfettered access to Myanmars tungsten reserves.

This enitre coalition was directed at China of course.

    • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
      3 年前

      Yeah I'm an OP for pointing out these orgs are on NEDs website

      Jesus wept stop replying to me.

        • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
          3 年前

          It is worth noting that some Hong Kong rioters, including their leader Joshua Wong, have publicly supported Thai anti-government protests. This reminds people of the group photo featuring Wong and Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, who served as the leader of the Future Forward Party that was dissolved by Thailand's Constitutional Court in February.

          The Thai government and mainstream media believe that anti-government forces in the country have colluded with the US and other Western countries to use young people with the ultimate goal to overthrow the current political system in Thailand. Those forces aim to bring in pro-West political proxies to rule the country with Western-styled democracy. It is essentially a "color revolution."

          This is in line with the US' general practice. The US manipulated color revolutions in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and other countries and regions for its political intentions, leaving many countries in a mess, threatening regional and world peace and stability.

          Global Times: Behind-scenes funding of Thailand protests show invisible Western hands

          iLaw are on NEDs site

          And a Human rights lawyers association is on there and given that CIA runs money through shell companies and shell orgs I wouldn't be surprised if it was just looped through a shell org

          Human Rights Lawyers Association


          To strengthen a network of lawyers engaged in the protection of human rights. Focusing particularly on ending the misuse of laws to perpetuate human rights violations and stifle public participation, the organization will coordinate capacity-building opportunities for young human rights lawyers; undertake strategic litigation; and conduct legal advocacy activities.

          Also your allegation that "Assembly of the poor" aren't on there when there's this on NEDs website. Again CIA runs through shell orgs. They've probably changed their name since.

          Thai Poor Act


          To strengthen grassroots activists’ knowledge and practice of democratic principles. The organization will work with network members to facilitate a process to develop a democratic agenda and proposals on key policy issues, which will serve to catalyze inclusive discussions and encourage active citizenship. Activities will include workshops, community consultations, and public seminars.


          You've also not dealt with the 2 billionaires tied to WallStreet: Thanathorn and Thaksin

          Thanathorn has been writing shit like this


          and Thaksin was a servile puppet of US by taking Thailand into Iraq then setting up blacksite CIA torture prisons in Thailand.