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  • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It’s basically the same ideology as Mel Brooks, deny the facsists power in the language of culture

    yea. because culture are the only grounds to which we have access(essentially our consumer decisions lol). there's little access to the grounds of politics and no access whatsoever to economy. that's the american and eu predicament, and the movie is an expression of it. hence, the movie is shallow from a leftist perspective.

    I wish it had some more elements of Ur-Fascism. I'd go so far as to say setting the movie in nazi germany was a mistake. Using 'Hitler bad' to make a political point gets eyerolls because its low effort. Using Nazi germany to understand fascism is also low effort.

    The liberal/conservative's understanding of fascism is sketchy. Out attitude towards Franco's spain is generally positive, our attitude on Mussolini is fairly malleable. had it been set in either of those places, it would have been more thought provoking. but it's not, it's a liberal ass movie.