Unironically this is what happens when a MFer doesn’t embrace dialectical materialism. He got 90% of the way there - our society sucks and 99% of people live in abject misery, and then instead of having a fucking class analysis or some kind of conflict theory he’s like “hehe Ted explode people until they want to live in the forest :galaxy-brain: ”

You can’t revert society to its former state Ted you moron, you absolute buffoon. There’s too much accumulated labour. It can just move to higher and higher forms. Don’t return to monke, push for socialism!

  • happybadger [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Sometimes when I'm hiking in the Rockies I think about how ADX Florence, where he's incarcerated, is hell in paradise. This is your world when this is the area outside. I can't imagine being so close to such a beautiful area as an primitivist, locked in a concrete box where you have a tiny window to look into a concrete courtyard. There's something Sisyphean about that which always makes me sympathetic to Ted the inmate and Ted the deeply traumatised victim of MK Ultra. I want to write him about the the hikes outside his cell in the same way that I want to take shelter dogs hiking. But then I remember that he's ideologically like a late-stage ecofascist and writing terrorists letters of any kind probably flags you for every alphabet agency up to and including the USDA.

    Like hippies, the right-primitivists are like three books away from getting "it" but reject any book that's not self-help validation. Marx equates bees to architects within the same economic and social value system and the radical environmentalists/animal rights activists all fall into the left. When I was 12 and my first real identification with a proletarianised group was animals, that was just a basic observation without having ever read theory. He was a Harvard mathematician who was in his 20s in the 1960s and had good reason to hate the CIA. I don't get how he went down the path of big-dumb when he cares enough about the subjects socialists critique to do a terrorism and lived in the era that created modern environmentalism.