Second Ben Norton fanboyism of the day for me.

Always excellent Moderate Rebels podcast brings the in-depth analysis of the political landscape of Ecuador, and WTF is going on with the elections.

They also cover the US intel / NGO complex's co-option of anarcho-socialist-environmentalist elements in Ecuador and wider LA, it's history, and how it's becoming the way that the US is exerting control there.

I'm not politically educated enough to have a struggle session on this, and don't think it's constructive. Left unity. However, is it fair to say that certain US intel elements are co-opting nominally Anarchist/Environmentalist figures/movements to further foreign policy aims in certain circumstances?

The examples that spring to my mind are the above and Bellingcat-associated journalists (who are extremely quiet on fascist movements in Ukraine while decrying fascists at home).

This episode is essential listening.

edit: couple of edits to get back up onto the fence a bit more.