Link to the glorious AMA

Apparently many of you don’t know about this and I figured you would all love to see it and read the (many) hilarious comments calling her out on this. The AMA went downhill immediately as people found out who she was and what she did. Much hilarity ensued and I won’t give away too much here as to not spoil the fun for you.

Whatever attempt at propaganda this was, it was obviously thought out (poorly) ahead of time. Now that we are a year removed from the event, we can see several of the accounts asking questions which received answers were brand new and had never posted anywhere before this post and went on to never post ever again. There is something very off putting and inorganic about the way some of these planted questions are asked and you will probably spot them before you check the accounts. It is definitely fucking hilarious that the CIA doesn’t know how the internet works though.

Edit: for some more fun, read her bio on her ISI Consultants page. Some of the hits include: “consultant at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, supporting Operation Enduring Freedom during 2002- 2003”, “has also worked as a linguist and translator for President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush.” and many more!

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Just the hits

    This is literally 1984: "Yes, according to the former inmates. Have you read the 1984 by George Orwell? That is how the current situation is. People are living within fear and there is no any sort of basic freedom such as freedom of expression, freedom of movement, etc. There are more than a million Uyghur people live in diaspora who cannot even communicate with their family members back home. This is 21st century, information era. Can you imagine none of those Uyghurs could just pick up th ephone and call their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters back home?"

    I'M NOT CIA I SWEAR: "I don't work for CIA. You sound like the Chinese Communist regime accusing me for something so unreal. But, thank you for proving to the intelligent people how the CCP trolls work on social media :)"

    When you don't know how to spell Urumqi: "My proof is my sister's daughters who have not being able to communicate with their mother since September, 2018. My proof is that it is 2019, it is the information era and my sister's neighboors or friends in Urumchi cannot find out her whereabouts. My proof is that this tourist woman Hanna went to Urumchi, after I posted my sister's home address and couldn't find her and told the world on YouTube that her door is being sealed (check from my tweets for the actual video in September 2019). If you are working for the Chinese government, please ask about my sister and help me to get her release."