• BioWarfarePosadist [she/her, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Solarpunk and ultra localized manufacturing.

    Towns covered in solar panels, community gardens everywhere and 3D printing community centers for everyday commodities made on demand and freely, instead of mass produced for profit.

    Way less cars, as most necessities can be walked to, or on a short bus trip.


    Co-ops, Co-ops everywhere!

    Liquid democracy! Vote on all issues yourself, or give your vote to someone you trust to represent you. Don't worry if they start lying! Your vote is near instantaneous to revoke from your representative!

    Restorative Justice being heavily emphasized over Punitive Justice. We should strike at the root of criminality and not just lock up the symptom and hope it goes away.

    Probably more of I though about.

    Oh yeah Posadist, so nukes, dolphins, underwater birthing and alien comrades, too.