Am I reaching for this?


Imperius (roman, reich)



      • good_girl [she/her, they/them]
        9 months ago

        The newest tank character is an omnic revolutionary that became disillusioned with the peaceful 'solutions' imposed by the existing omnic leadership and monks. I love him and I hope the writers do a good job with him. (But i know they'll do something like have him kill a little girl so that you know he's actually evil and wrong)

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    9 months ago

    i am no longer giving anyone the benefit of the doubt on this shit. No one accidentally makes a five armed swastika in 2023

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 months ago

      But a previous Blizzard treat may have had a five armed swastika therefore according to the Thermian argument it can't come from anywhere else and the fiction carries all the weight of its context. morshupls

    • aitioma [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      This is literally a German character, there are no two possible opinions on why someone would possibly be putting a sonnenrad on him

  • Barabas [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Not relating to Rome, it is based ok the Diablo Archangel Imperius who is a villain who wants to wipe out humanity. He also has the same little suns.

    So I think you're reaching a bit. Imperius is unambiguously a villain in the same way Diablo or Mephisto is, for reference.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      9 months ago

      He also has the same little suns.

      His suns aren't the same. His suns are like normal suns. The Overwatch version has made it like a Sonnenrad.


      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
        9 months ago

        Looking at this pic from the wiki, the style of the suns - and number of arms they have - changes from art to art.

        Edit: looking closer, the skin seems to have directly swapped the arms for the legs someone upthread posted. Were they trying to make it less nazi-like and failed terribly?

  • space_comrade [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Personally the symbol reminds me more of this kind of thing:


    I don't think there was really any intention behind the symbol other than "it looks kinda cool".

    • betelgeuse [comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Omnics rose up and the liberal heroes of NATO saved the world by military intervention and the power of "both sides"

      Like, the robots disregarding their human-like lifestyle (as a metaphor for western hegemony) is painted as an evil thing. In the universe of Overwatch humanity is the imperial core.

  • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
    9 months ago

    I mean the Sonnenrad was designed after a real pagan symbol and the Sun cross/wheel is not necessarily a nazi symbol. Although the black sun is.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Theoretically, yes. However, in practice it's kind of a "the Swastika is a Buddhist symbol" kind of argument.

      • space_comrade [he/him]
        9 months ago

        The Sonnenrad is a bit different IMO. It's definitely a distinct symbol of its own, even if based on pagan symbols. The swastika was pretty much coopted as-is.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          9 months ago

          In a way that's kind of worse. Hundreds of millions of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, etc have their holy symbol coopted wholesale by Nazis to the extent where clueless Westerners still show up in Asia and ask why there's so many swastikas around.

        • aitioma [none/use name]
          9 months ago

          Why, out of all characters, would you give a GERMAN character that outfit and why, out of all the ways to implement it, would you choose to make the sun look MORE swastika like?

          • space_comrade [he/him]
            9 months ago

            I dunno it doesn't really look that sus to me tbh. It looks like just generic "cool buff knight in armor dude" design to me. It's like those "tribal" tattoos to me, it doesn't mean anything it's just there as an accessory.

            I guess it's possible the person that made that particular piece of content is secretely fash and it's actually a dogwhistle but I don't see it really. These kinds of motifs aren't really that uncommon.

    9 months ago

    Man I loved Overwatch when it came out. It's a shame that Blizzard messed up with balance and that the community pretend that DPS is the only role in game and playing anything else is a waste of time.

    But I will not touch the micro transaction hell that is OW2 with a ten foot pole. It is a shame really.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 months ago

      They totally ended OW1 because of the big Epic Blizzard Storytelling to come in OW2 capitalist-laugh

      9 months ago

      I logged in for the first time in a few months and saw they had story missions up. Oh boy, my favorite part of this game! ... is locked behind a paywall?

    • Awoo [she/her]
      9 months ago

      With any luck the microsoft acquisition that has now been fully approved will result in changes. Like Kotick fucking off for one. And hopefully they audit and assess team and organisationally changes that are necessary.

      It's fucking weird being a communist and being pleased that a company is merging into a giant monopoly but things were just that bad at actiblizz that microsoft might be an improvement.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          9 months ago

          2 could be saved by one thing and one thing only, Jeff returning to it under secrecy and having the announcement of his return coincide with a major update that brings back 6v6 as well as adding a bunch of new stuff.

          Otherwise they'll need a 3, and the new model will have to be significantly more generous.

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    Those little suns aren't too bad.

    Reinhardt is bad because he's GERMAN

    • betelgeuse [comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      It's way more sus that the futuristic German military had elite soldiers that were monarchists and cosplayed as knights.