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  • fuckhaha [any,none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Mcdonalds is unethical but Mcdonalds employees don't get a special secret unmarked bus service while the rest of our stops and lines are cut or talk endlessly and loudly in public about inane tech shit like fuckin apps

    How about not "fuck every worker who works somewhere unethical" but just fuck these ones in particular because they are really annoying. Like, the stereotype of a catcalling construction worker is an honorable laborer, and they are (unlike techies) even theoretically doing actual socially beneficial work, but if they are sexist and bothersome then still, fuck them

    • Infamousblt [any]
      4 years ago

      "Fuck people who annoy me." Yes, surely this is the way we'll achieve a worker's revolution. I think somewhere Lenin actually said that workers who annoy you don't need to be a part of a proletarian worker's revolution.

      A worker's revolution needs. Every. Worker. You cannot leave out "workers who annoy you". Trying to leave out sexist bothersome workers sounds great until you take a step inside a unionized factory. You think tech bros are bad? Try spending a week in a warehouse. The change has to be for every worker, and it ABSOLUTELY MUST be intersectional. You cannot just ignore sexist workers, or racist workers, or rich workers, or anyone. You have to look those problems in the face and address them, and then you have to bring those workers into the fold. Deal with sexism while teaching class consciousness, deal with racism while teaching class consciousness, etc. It's not easy but we're absolutely not going to achieve anything even remotely like international socialism without everyone together. You can't just write off entire swathes of the working class because they annoy you.

      • fuckhaha [any,none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I've only ever worked in unionized warehouses and I'll be honest, my collegues in them may have been crass but they were way less annoying or problematic than the average tech bro lmao

        They can be part of the proletarian revolution if they like I guess, if we're talking about the Rev I would probably prefer some sort of icy arctic labor camp but you're right, that imminent international communist revolution will "need. Every. Worker." and "ABSOLUTELY MUST be intersectional", and include the "rich workers", and all that nice stuff but oh well, I guess the communist revolution is gonna have to be called off because I aint gonna lick techy nuts online, not ever

        Fuck people who annoy me, they suck shit, I don't like them

        • Infamousblt [any]
          4 years ago

          Which is why nobody will ever take worker solidarity seriously

            • Infamousblt [any]
              4 years ago

              Sure, plenty of people annoy me, but that doesn't mean I want to murder them because I'm not a libertarian. How did you even find this site?

              • fuckhaha [any,none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Woah woah woah, you said murder not me, I just think they suck bad. I think you may have overdosed on communist LARP.

                You may not be a libertarian, but most google techies are and you are their defense squad, how very Communist of you to lay on the ground in front of technocapitalist shitheads and lick their kicks, and how very dirtbag-left chapo of you to throw yourself earnestly in front of a vulgar insult directed at a job

                • Infamousblt [any]
                  4 years ago

                  Imagine being this mad that someone wants to include workers in a workers revolution

                  • fuckhaha [any,none/use name]
                    4 years ago

                    I think you may have overdosed on communist LARP.

                    E: Also fwiw I am mad as hell, because every time I see a google coder it is a painful reminder of how them and that company have made my hometown unlivable and forced my friends into homelessness