It grounds you. It humbles you. It forces you out of the insular lives we're all leading. It gives you the ability to relate to the people who should be the focus of your politics, to actually speak their language in a way that they understand, instead of speaking in code like a political weirdo, a perishable skill.

There are studies claiming that a quantifiable drop in empathy for the poor and working class is correlated with increasing wealth. Wonder is there a similar effect correlated with increased education, even political education?

It gets you offline for a moment. It gives you some intergenerational solidarity. Some inter-class interaction. Just some fucking interpersonal community activity outside your friend group, which a lot of people have the ability to avoid currently and which was crucial to any succesful left projects in the past.

Even running errands for vulnerable people during a pandemic is something, there's probably an org doing this in your area. There are people out there that aren't totally unreachable and this is a great way to connect with them.

    • purr [undecided]
      4 years ago

      ironically amber wouldnt even agree with you here because she's a misogynist

        • purr [undecided]
          4 years ago

          I am a woman myself and recognize that amber has a track record of saying and doing sexist, racist and transphobic shit. It’s not imagined and amber actually seems pretty proud of this persona

          I don’t know the extent to which OP twisted her argument / words though. But that would not change the fact that amber is racist, sexist and transphobic and obviously kind of wants to be, which is my main point:

          it’s ironic to cry sexism to defend someone who is often against marg. people using their identity politics to explain or justify their worldview + for that someone to be so poisoned by idpol that they go out of their way to be unnecessarily contrarian and mean when identity is brought up. You can still cry sexism but it’s still kinda funny