The amount of comments I've seen from them the past few days about how they're wishing death on a portion of the country because the majority of people who can even vote, voted red is absurd. These are the very same people who can recognize the endless forms of voter disenfranchisement and pretend their part of the party that supports those exact people. Yeah, Texas is a dumbass state in a lot of ways, their power grid situation is really about as Texan as it gets, but it's also a "purple" state and it would be blue if it wasn't for gerrymandering and dozens of ways it screws over minority voters, all by design. How are they so gleeful about wishing folks who live there or other states freezing to death. Who do you think is the ones really suffering right now? The people who can afford to skip town and go stay at a hotel? Or the people putting on 6 different layers and burning every piece of fuel they can find that will burn?

Shit like that makes me have no hope sometimes, it's just so stupid. Have some fucking decency for once in their life. Not everything is red versus blue, they are no different than the reactionaries who crack jokes at California burning or Chicago going another weekend with a ton of shootings. What do they even get out of that shit? A quick laugh, and for what, to feel superior in some way you happen to live in a different part of the country when nothing bad happens? There is no hope for some people like that and they both pretend like they are the good ones cause they either have a BLM flag or a trump flag outside.

  • SerLava [he/him]
    4 years ago

    That is why I conceal-carry one military-issue foldable combination entrenching tool, axe and saw at all times. You never know when 3-6 feet of snow will keep you and your children separated from the collection of 73 AR-15s, 50 shotguns, 28 bolt-action precision hunting rifles, 45 handguns and a handful of exotic fully automatics, AOWs, and antique black powder firearms that you will need to defend yourself against 30-60 feral hogs bearing down on you.

    I don't hand-load 28 different calibers and over 300 different shot, casing, powder load and primer configurations for the constant lead exposure. I do it because I'm American.