The amount of comments I've seen from them the past few days about how they're wishing death on a portion of the country because the majority of people who can even vote, voted red is absurd. These are the very same people who can recognize the endless forms of voter disenfranchisement and pretend their part of the party that supports those exact people. Yeah, Texas is a dumbass state in a lot of ways, their power grid situation is really about as Texan as it gets, but it's also a "purple" state and it would be blue if it wasn't for gerrymandering and dozens of ways it screws over minority voters, all by design. How are they so gleeful about wishing folks who live there or other states freezing to death. Who do you think is the ones really suffering right now? The people who can afford to skip town and go stay at a hotel? Or the people putting on 6 different layers and burning every piece of fuel they can find that will burn?

Shit like that makes me have no hope sometimes, it's just so stupid. Have some fucking decency for once in their life. Not everything is red versus blue, they are no different than the reactionaries who crack jokes at California burning or Chicago going another weekend with a ton of shootings. What do they even get out of that shit? A quick laugh, and for what, to feel superior in some way you happen to live in a different part of the country when nothing bad happens? There is no hope for some people like that and they both pretend like they are the good ones cause they either have a BLM flag or a trump flag outside.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    4 years ago

    It just reinforces that liberals HATE poor people. They don't care who you are, if you're poor, they hate you.

  • Sunn_Owns [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    What do they even get out of that shit? A quick laugh, and for what, to feel superior in some way you happen to live in a different part of the country when nothing bad happens?

    Yes. Libs and conservatives are remarkably similar in ideology, the only difference is which groups deserve to suffer and which groups deserve empathy.

      • Sunn_Owns [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        And what's really fucked up is Dems don't even offer a solution to the suffering experienced by the right people, they just say 'I acknowledge your pain'. It's truly psychotic.

        'I see you thrashing in misery, I hear your cries of agony, and I empathize, but I cannot reduce your pain.' It's like the Dems saw an episode of the Sopranos and went 'We're Dr. Melfi AND we're Tony's mom!'

        • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
          4 years ago


  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago

    I really don't want anyone to freeze to death.

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Imagine wishing massive amounts of human suffering on half the population of the entire country (the last stats I saw were around 150 million people in the “freezing to death” part of the US rn) just because you don’t like the red team.

      uhhh we may need to take a long look in the mirror -- look at some of the emojis we have

      :amerikkka: :france-cool: :UK-cool:

        • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I mean that's exactly what libs will tell you if you tell them most of the people suffering in Texas are poor.

          • Hoodoo [love/loves]
            4 years ago

            Only working class people are losing power. Richer areas have had no blackouts.

            • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              Yeah, so it comes down to making some inference about people's intent. You can tell libs are primarily angry at Republicans here because a big part of Democratic politics is (justifiably) demonizing the GOP, and because you see no shortage of Twitter shots at Republican politicians. You can tell chuds aren't really serious when they say they hate China but not Chinese people because of the million other ways they're overtly racist.

              There's plenty of real shit to criticize libs over -- we don't need to make reaching assumptions about their intentions.

              • machiabelly [she/her]
                4 years ago

                Idk a huge amount of libs, especially rich libs, think that hicks in the flyover states brought their troubles down upon themselves by being ignorant republic ans. I hear that shit all the time.

  • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    The only funny one I saw was that there's some prepper out there who has 200 guns stuck in their house bc they don't have a snow shovel

    • SerLava [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That is why I conceal-carry one military-issue foldable combination entrenching tool, axe and saw at all times. You never know when 3-6 feet of snow will keep you and your children separated from the collection of 73 AR-15s, 50 shotguns, 28 bolt-action precision hunting rifles, 45 handguns and a handful of exotic fully automatics, AOWs, and antique black powder firearms that you will need to defend yourself against 30-60 feral hogs bearing down on you.

      I don't hand-load 28 different calibers and over 300 different shot, casing, powder load and primer configurations for the constant lead exposure. I do it because I'm American.

  • jilgangga [doe/deer]
    4 years ago

    What do they even get out of that shit? A quick laugh, and for what, to feel superior in some way you happen to live in a different part of the country when nothing bad happens?

    US liberalism is a curious mirror image of US evangelicalism — both are driven by a punitive and self-punitive hysterical moralism. "They are responsible for choices they made = They voted GOP lololololololol" "God is watching us" = "History is watching us" "God you sort it out = History will judge them" They are this way because, deep down, they know how incompetent and unpopular they are — so they need all the spite they can master to imagine themselves to be good, to be saved, to be virtuous.

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Well said. Feels like i loose my mind every few months seeing takes like I've seen in the last few days. It's so hard for me to feel spiteful about folks suffering. Especially when the system was designed in a way where it is inevitable.

    • grilldaddy [she/her]
      4 years ago

      10000% spot on. Moralism serves as both the backbone of whatever our current iteration of US liberalism is and a shield that protects it from having to level with its wildly heinous contradictions. I find myself having to sometimes fight the urge to apply this same type of religious moralism to both libs and conservatives. Kill the lib inside yourself!

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Wasn't talking about here, just a general vent seeing it so much. It just keeps happening anytime there is a natural disaster or some shit

        • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
          4 years ago

          damn, glad I stopped checking that shit. I was mainly just seeing it on the other evil, twitter

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Lib anger at red states is clearly directed at Republicans, not homeless people in Dallas. It's silly to pretend otherwise.

    And yes, there's some room for gallows humor when people who bear a lot of responsibility for fucking up the country have their chickens come home to roost.

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Who do you think is suffering right now the most though, I'm not buying this at all.

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        You can argue that libs haven't thought out all the implications of laughing at red states, but they're not gleefully wishing harm on anyone but Republicans. Shit, we do the exact same thing (albeit to a much lesser extent) here on chapo dot chat. Who do you think is going to get hurt the most as America declines?

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            And when people say "fuck red states," it's an acknowledgement of the people hurt most by Republicans. The collapse of the Republican party is a real human thing that would help tons of people, too.

            Do you honestly think some working-class Democrat in New York is thinking "lol fuck all those working-class Democrats in Houston and San Antonio"? Putting words in people's mouths and then getting angry about it isn't going to get us anywhere.

              • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                There is no statement mentioned in the post. It's a "have you seen what people are saying" post that doesn't actually show you what people are saying, which is its own issue.

                We shouldn't assume libs are compassionate, but we also shouldn't assume they're gleefully cheering poor people's suffering when their intent is obviously quite different. Especially when we routinely say "fuck this whole country" without literally meaning we want everyone in it, including its poor and struggling people, to suffer. We have to be a little self aware.

    • grilldaddy [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Leave mocking southerners for not being able to handle cold weather to the libs. It would benefit the left to treat southerners like something other than the butt of a joke for a change, maybe at the very least while they are actively suffering for something wholly unrelated to whoever they chose to vote for in the most recent meaningless election.

    • foxodroid [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Yeah i felt bad at first but i remembered i sort of talk like this about the US as an Arab myself. Obviously i don't want regular people to suffer but it's like...directly in my country's best interest if the US is weaker. I admit it's a confusing mindset and probably not the healthiest.

      In a way i sympathize with the American working class but also find the situation darkly humorous? The irony is just too intense to not be funny.

      • Mouhamed_McYggdrasil [they/them,any]
        4 years ago

        yeah yeah me too, I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth; I am a citizen of the world and all that, but I happen to dwell in land claimed by the USA, so, for example, if suddenly America started exploding, it'd make the rest of my life a pretty bad time and also I imagine quite short.

  • krothotkin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Damn why can't we make connections with rural voters, why do they think we're so out of touch????

    (five seconds later)

    Hahaha yesss freeze to death idiots that's what you get for voting for Drumpf

  • quartz242 [she/her]M
    4 years ago

    The homeless folks and low income households are suffering, on track for democrats to despise those groups.

    I am curious what political ramifications will occur, doubt many will remember next year when midterms are

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Idk if you've seen but the ghouls are already trying to claim this is actually because of wind farms freezing and causing the power outages. This of course was debunked almost immediately (some did fail but nothing major though.) So I got a feeling I already know the talking points that will be used as justification.

      • quartz242 [she/her]M
        4 years ago

        Oh yea I posted a couple about it, the wind is over performing it's the non winterized gas and coal that are failing.