Feel like shit, just want him back
Been thinking about getting into wrestling and starting with the 80s, from america and japan, seems like a fun hobby.
The 80s were great for wrestling and the US and Japan were very different in how they did it with the Japanese focusing more on the stuff happening in ring while the US were shifting to these types of promos and "cartoon" characters.
Also the early 90s in the US were horrible/hilarious especially in the WWF so be prepared for that.
One of the best promos of all time.
Randy Savage was so good at promos people would challenge him by giving him random items to work into promos.
I love that Macho Man dragon mod for Skyrim. At some point I need to give the VR a version a try so I can wrestle him as an anime raccoon with tits.
c/SmartMarx surely, r/SmartMarx is probably one of the best subreddit names in that entire website.
Thanks for putting me on to that sub. Never heard of it, but it is the perfect name.