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The media will stop covering it which is change we were promised under a Biden administration.
Yes but have you heard about the genocide in China? Let's continue to ignore how the US literally exports genocide and just talk about China please.
have you heard about the genocide in China
friendship ended with ilhan omar, she doesn't deserve her gundam anymore
step 1: abstain on the Armenian genocide vote with language about it not being US business to decide
step 2: push Adrian Zenz bullshit about an alleged Uyghur genocide to help the state department
Yup. We were going to get some sort of reformist capitalism, but still capitalism. So he was harm but on a reduced scale.
From the comments:
turkey, chile? These weapons deals are making me Hungary
Know it’s a dad joke, but I lol’d.
Ah but remeber how many chapos pissed and moaned with the train dilemma meme about Biden destroying south america vs trump destroying northamerica
"it is Nazism, yes, but that before they were its victims, they were its accomplices; that they tolerated that Nazism before it was inflicted on them" - Aime Cesaire
Surely everyone upset about the Americans abandoning the Syrian Kurds will hold Biden accountable for giving Turkey all these new bombs to use on them.
Idk. Last time Turkey tried to occupy more of Syria, Assad steped in and took the land first. With that precedent, it seems less likely that Turkey will actually attack the SDF and more likely they'll threaten the SDF into surrendering to Assad.
Not that it gives it a pass, but at least Chile is moving in a "good" direction at the moment.
Is that dude's handle a play on Jason Hickel or is that a coincidence?
a play on Jason Hickel
Seems to me like Jackson Hinkle is his real name.
The House is set to vote on a rona package at the end of next week though. America is back!
When you bring this up to suck dems
I'm in North Dakota right now, my town of such a mess cause of covid, and biden is going to make it worse.