His manifesto included various elements of Qanon conspiracy theories and racist and mysogynistic drivel about migrants being the reason why he couldn't find a wife. As we are starting to get used to by now, the federal officials absolutely shat the bed and completely bungled the immediate response, letting the perpetrator get away safely to his home where he killed his mother and himself.

Very normal country I live in. :germany-cool:

  • 4bicycles [he/him]
    3 years ago

    His manifesto included various elements of Qanon conspiracy theories and racist and mysogynistic drivel about migrants being the reason why he couldn’t find a wife.

    For anyone wondering, the entire far right wing in germany is like super mask off about how it's basically all sexual pathology.

    I'm not kidding, other than some minor lipservice to welfare queens and stolen jobs and all the usual stuff, the main point is usually the need to "protect our women" but also "Bikinis, not burkas" which basically only leaves "Women should be sexually exploited but only by us!".

    They're basically all afraid some chad immigrant is going to steal their wives and radicalize themselves on that angle into this type of bullshit.

    Bunch of fucking losers