• LeninsRage [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The schism is that the GOP leadership is badly tailing the radical energy of the party's mass base, who Trump embodies. They aren't "anti-Trump", but they disagree with him on certain specific positions and are willing to jettison him when he ceased being useful.

    The mass base hate and distrust the party leadership, but since they literally believe the Democrats are satanic communist pedophiles they're not going to stop voting Republican. They might stay home in protest for one particular election, but two years later they will swallow their hatred of the reptiles and pull the lever for R again.

    Its the divergent interests between the elites and the masses. The elites have an interest in maintain some level of stability and not raising the temperature beyond a certain degree. The masses don't give a shit about that and would love nothing more than a military coup that executes all their perceived enemies.