• TossedAccount [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Because he "almost" won when even a slightly better candidate could have beaten Cruz by 10 fucking points. I guarantee Beto will either still be a nobody or will have accumulated an additional 6 years of political baggage (probably Biden-admin-related) that fucking sinks him in 2024, which will 100% be a referendum on Biden's abject "mismanagement" of the economic recovery (from common voters' perspective anyway) and by extension on the Democrats.

    No fucking way the GOP repeats the mistake of running somebody like Romney that year like in 2024 (unless they literally just run Romney again because he puts forth a more generous version of basic income than Biden does). GOP is tearing itself apart right now but in 3 years some new tendency (which could just be yet another rebranding of the Tea Party/Trumpism) might emerge as the dominant one in 2022 and the defeated "establishment" tendency will fall in line like they did for Trump. I thought that it was gonna be a rebranded Qanon but they seem to have sunk along with Trump.