Is this opposite day?

  • ThatsNotPraxis [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah there’s no difference between ICE treating people seeking asylum, or just trying to live somewhere better, like literal cattle at the border, during a pandemic, and the program of de-radicalization that’s going on in Xinjiang.

      • ferristriangle [he/him]
        4 years ago

        You literally said that you don't believe these things are different enough to say that one is worse than the other.

        Filing that statement in with an actual description of both things isn't a strawman. It's a restating your argument in clear and unambiguous terms.

        If you don't like how that makes your argument look, then don't speak without investigating the issue more thoroughly beforehand.

        • spectre [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Actually, I did not say that, I actually specifically said that I think ICE camps are worse. I'm not interested in discussing "which is worse?" because we already agree on that.

          • ferristriangle [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Admitting that one of these things may be "a few notches worse" does not materially change the core of your argument, which was that these things are basically the same and of comparable magnitude, and that you disagree with chapos who claim that these two things are categorically different.