Is Kanye good or bad?

  • Vapor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    He has made some great music, but he's definitely mentally ill and the people around him have up until this point done nothing to really help him out. Sucks, honestly.

    • extraterrestrial5 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      he’s definitely mentally ill and the people around him have up until this point done nothing to really help him ou

      liberalism is a mental disorder

  • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
    4 years ago

    I remember I was jamming with a bunch of comrades in the discord main when Kanye was doing a rally and had a breakdown. It turned into a watch pasty.

    It was really, really painful to watch. He is obviously experiencing the throes of bipolar unmedicated, and he has so much social power that he feels perfectly justified in his actions, and no one around him is willing/able to help him check himself.

    It physically hurts me to watch him go off. He is an absolute spectacle, in the worse possible way. I'm glad it at least has people talking about bipolar more, but it is really painful to watch him go through what he's going through. Even if he's a billionaire and chud/cultist/whatever grand thing he thinks he is next.

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      You know, it's gotten to the point with me, that I doubt he's at his core a CHUD considering his public history. The dude is clearly a production genius, so it kind of feels like we're witnessing a TempleOS situation.

      • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
        4 years ago

        Hahaha the TempleOS comparison is pretty spot-on. I truly believe he has no coherent ideology, and just follows the torrent of emotion that is his intuition at any given moment. I've developed a lot of empathy for him, seeing him break down into tears at his rally. Sometimes he'll say chud stuff when fielding questions from chuds, sometimes he'll say non-chud stuff that he also hasn't had the time to think through.

        His insight is compromised, he is extremely emotional and impulsive, and he is incapable of trusting people while on his journey of his grandiose sense of self. He's... tripping balls on bipolar. That's, like, the whole story. Of course he's an awesome musician, cuz fuck ya, But... ya. haha

      • extraterrestrial5 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        no white power can control Kanye

        He is running on essentially socialist ideas,

        He's a capitalist who spends his time on fashion and making Elon Musk tier tweets lol

      • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
        4 years ago

        Kanye has synthesized his bipolar diagnosis successfully with his spirituality and his morality.

        As someone with bipolar: no. he has not. Hahaha, nor is that a thing. Bipolar fucks you up, that is all. I even am a spiritual person, who has followed teachings from a mentor with bipolar, who is very well-trained in their lineage, and... you need medication, or you are not well. People since time immemorial have had medicines to temper bipolar, you don't just let it run rampant. Lithium has been used for thousands of years. Self-acceptance isn't just running naked through the woods with no plan, imo (at least, not for your whole life :P ). It's about recognizing your strengths and limitations, and working with what you are.

        I'm not convinced Kanye's a socialist, or that he has a coherent ideology of any kind. Like, a month ago he was a trump supporter haha. At his rally he was like 'abortion is bad so I will give every new mother $50,000', which I'm pretty sure he made up on the spot. If Kanye's a socialist, it's in the sense that Elon Musk is a socialist; ie. they say they are, but they don't even understand the word well enough to know that they are not.

        Kanye's a billionaire with bipolar who makes great music, and his politics are all over the place, ever-shifting, not so much because he has bipolar but because nothing means anything to him, because he's a billionaire. He has the privilege of never, ever needing to think about working class interests.

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I don't know if I ever bought into him being a jesus freak. I thought it was all just a grift until I saw his presidential announcement, and now I'm convinced he's mentally ill.

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Still hasn’t made a better track than Through The Wire. Early Kanye was good as hell.

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Love early Kanye, but Through the Wire isn't his best track. Honestly my pick for him varies from time to time, but I gotta throw it down for Flashing Lights. MBDTF is his best album hands down though.

      • glimmer_twin [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I find it so anthemic and uplifting man, often enters my head from nowhere.

        • notthenameiwant [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I still can't believe he put his debut single out with his mouth wired shut.

  • Liberalism [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Watching libs freak out about him is hilarious, that's the extent to which I care.

    Other than in like a human sense where I hope he's healthy and such.

  • Ronalpinhos [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    He used to make amazing music, now he makes bad gospel.

    I don't like his fashion brands.

    He thinks he is smarter than he is IMO, Its working out great for him so far so probably I'm wrong.

    About his mental things, I believe he does have something that he struggles with but I don't think its bipolar disorder, Its probably psychosis, which is an umbrella term for many things but I'm pretty sure most people get what Kanye "goes through" once in a while.

    The thing is that his condition is no excuse for his god awfull turn into reactionary mindsets, I suspect that he turnt to the church in search for a coping mechanism and they ate his lunch box.

    Its kinda of a shame because the whole thing tainted his music for me, Its one thing to say or do something awfull in the heat of the moment but Kanye nows very well what he is doing.