I’m sorry but biscuit is clearly a far better sounding word for a savory baked good you dip in gravy and have with bacon and eggs. Not for a sweet delectable baked good, for that a more cutesy sounding word like “cookie” is far fucking better.

English perverts should stop calling fucking cookies biscuits, I don’t dip Oreos in gravy you cretins.

  • Nothing44 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I mean, as a non-native English speaker, and thus, only impartial judge, final arbitrator, and speaker for the God-Head of TRUTH, "biscuit" sounds small, dainty, and like something sweet which you nibble on, whereas "cookie" sounds like something you cook, and which is associated with cooking. It sounds like it is meant to contain, or att least accompany, something savoury and meaty.

    So, not only must Americans start calling sweet and crunchy little nibblums "biscuits", they also must start calling what they call "biscuits", "cookies". As must everyone else.

    The GOD-HEAD has spoken TRUTH.

    Thank you.