Really makes one reconsider the relationship of culture to materiality with stories like this lmao. Normally I'm confident in my approach but...did these people really commit to long term criminal records to LARP as Niko Bellic?
If you were to provide an analysis to the situation, the the part of GTA that is harmful to kids is the capitalist part of it. The entire point of GTA is to make money by commiting crimes. The gangster businessman will always be the main figure of rebellion in American capitalism because it's really the only figure it can produce while still maintaining hegemony.
lol that sound awesome
Really makes one reconsider the relationship of culture to materiality with stories like this lmao. Normally I'm confident in my approach but...did these people really commit to long term criminal records to LARP as Niko Bellic?
If you were to provide an analysis to the situation, the the part of GTA that is harmful to kids is the capitalist part of it. The entire point of GTA is to make money by commiting crimes. The gangster businessman will always be the main figure of rebellion in American capitalism because it's really the only figure it can produce while still maintaining hegemony.