Feel like we could use a happy thread around here, anyway I am in a dorm so no dog currently :/

I grew up with a Fila Brasileiro/Great Dane cross, very good dog, a little very territorial, very family protective, kinda scary to non family members. It was weird though, her family was anyone she fully met before 9 months of age. That friend I had over once when she was little? Totally fine years later. Our neighbors when we moved? She wasn't a fan

I also had a Heeler, he was hell on wheels but very loving, loved hiking :) v good boy

I can't wait till I have space for a dog again :)

Tell me about dogs you have/had/grew up with/dog breeds you like

Much to my own annoyance I really like the bigger scarier looking dogs (Molossers). Hope I can find a breed without health issues, with a good temperament with strangers, and with the ability to hike good distances but rn after doing some research it looks like I'm SOL

  • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    We had a miniature weiner dog for over a decade (We got him when he was 3). He was temperamental if you were new, but hang around for an hour and he'd be sleeping next to you. He also loved barking/howling along to "Happy Birthday" despite no prior training to our knowledge lol, he was great. Sadly passed almost 5 and a half years ago now. Tho the pain isn't as fresh or intense as day one, there will always be a part of me that misses him and wishes we had gotten a few more years together.

    We thankfully still have our other dog tho, had him since he was a pup, who's just the sweetest, gentlest dog in the world, wouldn't hurt a fly (Well, maybe a fly, pretty sure I've seen him trying to eat bugs before haha). I forgot what he is exactly atm (Part Australian shepard I believe?), but he's a fluffy-tailed, smol(ish) adorable boi who loves to play and I'm grateful for him.