I'm not sure but I think I give pretty good handjobs. I bust quick so I assume they are pretty good, anyways.

Ladies, do you find this attractive in a man?

  • Chutt_Buggins [he/him]
    4 years ago

    she was American from Arizona, from a Norwegian grandparent or something. I'm inuit from the arctic, with a Norwegian great grandfather...

    So like, we were the same euro mixes in similar blood-quantum, plus she was from the American deserts far from my part of the world lol. So that seems about as weird, if not weirder.

    It started because as she was saying her goodbye before moving, she said something racist about me, kinda boiling my experiences we discussed down to just 'he doesn't like white people'. I told her she said something racist, but isn't overall racist, and she started yelling at me at a crowded intersection in the afternoon.

    I just kinda walked away, she biked up to me to try and be nice one last time, but it ended up with her yelling again and saying something like 'uhghughauh, I am just trying to be NICE!!' before biking off. Lots of people noticed.

    She had given me a bunch of her old food, so I gave it to the homeless inuit nearby and they were like 'damn, what's up with her?' while picking through all her dried goods. I told them she said I was racist against white people and they just shrugged their shoulders or laughed.

    She now works for some international arbitration firm out of DC, who represents some clients' mining claims in Venezuela.


    It seemed like a lot of eventual-ghouls appreciated dating me in law school because it gave them some kinda bad-boy cred to be seen with the aloof indigenous dude who quotes Mao and Marcos and annoys the administration and stuff. She was alright tho, just raised by a terrible and abusive narcissist