As the billionaire-backed, right-wing recall continues in Seattle against socialist Councilmember Kshama Sawant, more labor unions are responding to the calls of rank-and-file union members and endorsing the Kshama Solidarity Campaign. UNITE HERE Local 8, which represents around 5,000 hospitality
I think that they've tacked it to the median income of a local skilled worker. That's how it's described anyway. I take your point but it's seems pretty fucking cool to me that a working class politician doesn't take more than the people they represent. I mean I don't personally have a problem with say Bernie having a lake house etc. But in the eyes of the public politicians are extremely out of touch and making 6 figs as an individual seems to make most politicians careerist in the worst way possible. Also PMC deserves to be brow beat and paying high salaries to politicians doesn't bring us any closer to socialism either.