
  • dontknowoldpassword [love/loves]
    4 years ago

    Sexual assault does not become funny or Ok just because it is against people you hate. This thread is full of grossness.

      • dontknowoldpassword [love/loves]
        4 years ago

        People aren't laughing because a genuine medical mistake happened are they? They are laughing at the thought of someone they don't like having something stuck up their bum and being uncomfortable with it.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Still not sexual assault though is it? It's laughing at someone you dislike going through a medical procedure that they didn't need by mistake.

          None of that implies assault or anything non-consensual occurring.

          • dontknowoldpassword [love/loves]
            4 years ago

            At the end of the day it is not for us to decide if it was or was not sexual assult. It is up to the victims to decide. As a gay man I view my bum as very sexual organ and if it had happened to me I would view it as sexual assault. If you don't that's fine but I think you are the one undermining sexual assault to say these circumstances could not be viewed as sexual assault.

              • dontknowoldpassword [love/loves]
                4 years ago

                It's not the actual experience I have a problem with. I am sure it was fine and no one really cares as this is clearly anti china propaganda. My problem is that this has been framed in the headline as though the act was done through deception. Now most of us I'm sure didn't read beyond the headline and that is what we are responding to. And to laugh at that is gross. I don't think china is actually sexually assaulting diplomats. I do think if this situation were to happen and it was actually done through deception it would be sexual assault.

    • skeletorsass [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Calling this sexual assault makes me very uncomfortable. It is not funny that it happened, and the joke many find in it is making a joke out of one that the people think, but we should not call whatever we wish sexual assault in the face of true victims.