If you guessed it was about Hasbro changing Mr Potato Head to Potato Head then you'd be correct.
One of the funniest tweets I've seen.
What, exactly, does Texas think will happen if they become a young oil-rich country in the Americas but not part of the USA? :obama-drone:
Texas would immediately cave to the cartels if secession happened. And then get squeezed for oil by the US. And then just become a central American style dictatorship puppet state but with more Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebee's.
Mr.Potato Head is non-binary!!!:crab-party: :crab-party: :crab-party:
God these people just absolutely live for the culture war.
THEY'RE NOT EVEN CHANGING HIS NAME. IT'S JUST THE FUCKING BRAND. (Mr & Mrs Potato Head, part of the Potato Head brand)
You'd think they'd be second guessing their wish for independence after everything that happened last week
see Matt's rant in chapo ep 499. the political order that results in people freezing to death in their homes is perfectly amenable to the regional bourgeoisie.
Republican Balkanization would actually make me die of laughter. Yes, cut the military in half. Introduce a new currency to compete with the dollar. Give yourself a smaller labor pool and fewer bourgeoisie to compete with China. I dare you.
Lol upon further examination they're not even getting rid of Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead. Both will still be sold. They're just changing the branding to "Potatohead". Can't wait to see the fake outrage over this.
I love the implication that repub states should succeed so they can restrict what businesses can do