so basically Wizards is the only thing that makes money for Hasbro anymore since nobody is playing Monopoly or doing puzzles. So Hasbro is basically making WOTC a full on division of the company sort of like what Activision did with Blizzard (and if you are a g*mer you probably know how that ended).
here comes more digital releases, tighter release schedules, and the end of customer-friendly copyright permissions. we're about to get all the shitty parts of TSR without even a Spelljammer book. This probably has something to do with why the owners of D&D Beyond all jumped ship a few weeks ago.
guess its all about where you're at, i haven't tried online games. 5e is pretty long in the tooth though, it needs an update a lot more than it needs another Ravenloft book
Oh yeah, I don't play online. Maybe that's it.