I see this eye-roll of a bad take here all the time.

Writing off most/all anime (Which, again, is literally any/all animation from Japan regardless of content) is the same thing as writing off most/all western animation: CMV.

    • modsarefascist [he/him]
      3 years ago

      lol no they're not, at least not most

      no different than when they pretend gamers are all evil, as they are alt-tabbed out from playing a fucking video game

      don't presume people mean some hidden meaning behind what they say, most likely they simply mean what it is that they actually said.

        • modsarefascist [he/him]
          3 years ago

          do you seriously need examples? cus it wont take that long to find some

          you're the one acting like people are saying something totally different from what they actually say. all I'm saying is what someone says is probably what they meant, not some totally different interpretation that happens to fit your current argument

          when they say dumb shit about anime and any other form of entertainment that leftists hate, they probably mean it

          edit: and no fucking shit of course they aren't saying that japanese cartoons are specifically the issue, wtf kinda shit is that

            • modsarefascist [he/him]
              3 years ago

              so then you're not really saying anything at all. you're still grouping in everything that is a japanese cartoon and pretending like it's all bad. the people saying that all anime is bad of course would claim they have no problems with cartoons or japanese animation, they just happen to bitch about all japanese animation tho.

              there's no difference if they still group all anime and everyone that watches it together, their claims about animation are entirely irrelevant

              if you say you only hate these small group of douches, but then lump everyone who's into similar things together with the douches, then you're hating everyone for no reason