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      • RaspberryTuba [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Tyrant originally meant something close to populist. They’ve been at this for a while.

          • RaspberryTuba [he/him]
            4 years ago

            It basically meant someone who derived their power from the masses instead of the ruling elites iirc.

            /edit -

              • RaspberryTuba [he/him]
                4 years ago

                They also mean usurpers in the sense that they did’t come to power through the usual channels.

                I mean, it is kinda stretching it matching it up with populism, but the usual channel was through a popular uprising, and it’s why Plato thought democracies necessarily “devolved” into tyrannies. The rabble get a taste, and because they’re ignorant, easily-swayed rabble they support this asshole tyrant’s claim to power. Otherwise, it generally had neither positive or negative connotations, while today it’s universally used negatively.

                Can even find a hundred articles making the Plato connection with trump, when we’d mainly just call him a populist.

    • CuminAndSalt [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They think the president has way more power than he actually does

      How much power did they think trump had? Wasnt that why I was supposed to vote for biden? Has the office of the presidency shrunk since november?

    • acealeam [he/him]
      4 years ago

      it's funny. originally they were on board with 2000 checks and a 15 dollar minimum wage because it was promised and if you make promises like that you need to meet them. but the propaganda is working overtime and they've switched to this bullshit instantly