
  • wantonviolins [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Almost a decade ago I watched four or five episodes to see why it had such a polarizing effect on people and I was amazingly underwhelmed.

    Most of the hate for TBBT is unwarranted and comes more from nerds getting mad that it makes them look bad by association than from any sin the show actually commits (of which there are many). It's so incredibly unremarkable, intrinsically unfunny, pedestrian and lowest-common-denominator-chasing that it creates a void around it. The show exists on the same wavelength as the background radiation of popular culture. It is every reddit comment too dumb to bother downvoting. Every tweet you skipped after the first word. It is a Funko Pop in a landfill buried under moldering copies of Maxim and Game Informer. Energy expended thinking about it is wasted. Huffing your own farts is a better use of time than forming an opinion on The Big Bang Theory more nuanced than "sucks" and "who cares". It carved out a perfect niche for itself as something so mindbogglingly mediocre that it's not even fun to hate on its own merits, and that's incredible.