Job requierement: having a pulse. All they wanted to know is my name and when I could start. Will lose the job when the pandemic ends or case rates drop below a certain point but that's kind of a win-win. So yeah, my legs hurt from standing all day after sitting around for the last twelve months but I feel very lucky and happy nonetheless.
Been a guy working in Childcare for over 15 years, never once did I have any allegations against me for being a guy in that field, even when working in a region with pretty demarcated gender roles.
In fact, when I was the only guy in childcare in that whole region, I quickly became known as one of the best people to look after babies/toddlers/kids.
No guy I know from the field has received any negative gendered assumptions about being in childcare.
I think the whole fear of being labelled a pedo is exaggerated.