Lmao endless war's not looking too endless now

  • hamouy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Here's a little math for you: Afghanistan+ American occupation: pretty fucking bad for Afghanistan, but also not good for the Americans either. Afghanistan- American occupation: pretty fucking bad, for Afghanistan and also the surrounding regions, since the Taliban will take over, but the Americans get to use their soldiers and money somewhere else. You-Chapo.Chat: You get to calm down a little, because you are much too enraged at literally anything. To think anything else is to put excessive Anti-Americanism over the actual material conditions on the ground.

      • hamouy [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Nope, and here is the difference: The Americans can't keep this up, the Israelis can bomb the Gaza strip all day long and then some. And to equate Hamas with the fucking Taliban is ridiculous. Apart from the fact that Israel itself is the imperialist base here. We could equate the situations if Israel is based in New Jersey, but since they occupy the same territory they currently live in, it is another situation entirely. The Hamas fights Israel, a settler-colonialist state whose goal is to wipe out the Palestinian people and establish an ethnostate on their territory. The Taliban fights both the Americans and the current civilian government they set in place, which, while corrupt, inept and authoritarian, is better than living under the Taliban. Or need I remind you of who the Taliban fought literally 30 years ago?