No joke, the US is super strict about that stuff, there's a member of the European Parliament from Greece who can never be granted a visa now because he made a documentary that kinda seemed to them like it was promoting terrorism, even though it was tame af. Soo yeah I might be fucked if I decide to do a PhD in the US or whatever lol.
I mean everyone does here lol but they can get a visa. Being caught in a protest like that is probably an immediate disqualifier tho. They probably already have my photos but I don't think that's enough.
Either way there is much worse stuff to worry about if I do get caught so I hope that doesn't happen lol
EDIT: Oh shit oh fuck I've posted about it on FB anyways, alright, I might be already fucked lol. Sooo let's hope they're not arsed enough to find that in case I try to get a visa.
BTW FB automatically flags and takes down posts even just mentioning his name now...
Ah very cool and fine this facebook thing
Sorry, I made it look better than it actually is. FB takes down your ENTIRE PROFILE or shadowbans you for a month for speaking his name and ciriticising the handling by the government. Numerous popular leftist journalists, comedians, lawyers etc have had their profiles restricted like that.
Huh, let me ironically say "what good thing this FB shit is" even harder