The following has come about because I started a subreddit opposed to a famous streamer called Vaush. He has a subreddit called r/VaushV, which has multiple sister subreddits such as r/tankiejerk and r/okbuddyvowsh. These are where most of this harassment originates. . I will detail 2 of the worst examples below:

There was a threat to rape me live for over 5 days. Both that subreddit’s moderators and the Reddit admins ignored my reports. That subreddit now openly blames me for making the threat with an ‘alt’ (another account belonging to me) to make them look bad. Both their moderators and the admins allow this. I am now known as a user who fakes rape threats.

A single user was allowed to make well over 200 posts and comments harassing me. They became so obsessed with me that their behaviour escalated to the point they faked three fake death threats (and blamed me publicly for them). I have documented, in detail, proof that these were faked. The admins know they were fake and finally suspended this user (as well as eventually removing that users posts about the ‘threats’). Despite this the admins, and many subreddit moderators, now allow other users to publicly blame me for sending these death threats (in huge numbers) so I am now known on Reddit as a user who sends death threats. Additionally a post documenting how the threats were faked was removed by admins on my subreddit. Meanwhile the admins allow post after post claiming I faked the rape threat mentioned above.

I have a word document 60 pages long filled with harassment I have documented.

The last message I had from the admins blamed me for this harassment, saying “(my) activity instigates drama.” The admins ignore 90%+ of my reports.

I know that the admins consider the content I’m reporting harassment based on admin actions in subreddits I moderate (subreddit mods can see admin actions). I have seen similar content removed (and been told by users that they have received warning/suspensions).

I suffer from a number of diagnosed mental health issues. These harassers found an old comment where I discussed them. A significant chunk of this harassment revolves around abusing me for this (calling me mentally ill etc).

I have made multiple posts in r/modsupport (a place for moderators to discuss issues like this with Reddit’s admins. The admins remove these posts within minutes every time

In desperation I recently made a post publishing all the harassment I have documented. This has made me acutely suicidal, and I stated as much on this post. One of my harassers screenshotted this part of the post and turned it into a meme to mock me. They posted it to multiple subreddits. Both these subreddits’ moderators and the Reddit admins ignored my reports. I was then permanently suspended from Reddit for ‘harassment’ for making this post. You can find an archived version here:

As you might imagine I'm feeling utterly exhausted by this experience, and incredibly angry. Reddit admins have actually wiped my account of all posts to try and cover this up (this is nto something they don’t typically do when suspending users). It's particularly upsetting to see those who have been harassing me incessantly for months celebrating my suspension today.

    • tronaldodumpo [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yup this is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. Those r/subredditdrama posts are almost 100% lies made up by rabid anti-communists. If this is going to be allowed here too I'm gonna bail.

      • CaramelArks [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Nah, you'll find it more pleasant here and people much more ideologically-aligned with you.

        But it definitely sounds like being so emotionally invested in online communities isn't bringing you happiness.

      • The_word_of_dog [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Nah fuck them. I can't say for the rest of the community here but from what I have seen none of that shit is cool around these parts

        Fuck those guys. "Debunking" death threats via nothing but reddit style quips and owns.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      These threads are literally part of the harassment campaign Tron received. You are being part of the problem by believing them with absolutely no attempt to investigate the truth of the matter yourself. If you perform no investigation you should not speak, what you say will invariably be absolute nonsense. SRD is a shithole that gets weaponised for harassment all the fucking time, I've had these same assholes weaponise it against me.

      Tron is a good guy and a good mod, he was the victim in this 100%. I've been around for this whole series of events and this is my perspective on events:

      What happened here was essentially that Tron manage to upset the wrong people enough to become the target of absolutely relentless daily harassment. I don't believe this was just his EVS that was was just a contributing factor, the reality is he was identified by reactionaries as the most prolific leftist poster on the site. If you thought Tron's activity was high what you should know was that was just a quarter of his posting activity - he spread his posts over 4 accounts in order to make it so subreddits didn't just see entire walls of "Tronald" from his posting. Is this seriously online? Yes it is. Was it seriously propping up leftist presence on reddit and commanding massive growth in every community he set his work to? Absolutely yes and I've been following the data on the mod side of things long enough to know that with certainty.

      He got targeted by these people because they saw him as effective. They mounted a relentless harassment campaign against him, he reported all of it, many many times over several weeks/months. Admins did nothing.

      He eventually made a huge documentation post documenting it all, this was removed by admins and he was warned to stop contributing to the harassment. In essence, he was being told not to post his huge documentation of all the harassment.

      A couple of weeks after this warning he posts it again anyway because they're doing nothing.

      They ban him for it.

      I archived one of the posts that resulted in his permaban before they all got pulled The other post was twice as long. All links and explanations. Hundreds and hundreds of instances of harassment.


      Why should this matter to all leftist mods? Because what has occurred here was an experiment by reactionary forces in the systematic harassment of a notable leftist doing generally good work (if a little spicey on occasion) in order to eliminate a perceived political enemy.

      Reddit's actions will be celebrated as a victory by those that did this and banning Tron basically confirms that this tactic of mass harassment can effectively be used to eliminate political enemies on reddit.

      Rather than solve the problem, it puts every notable leftist at risk. These groups will now mass produce the tactic and seek to optimise it. Anyone who sticks their head above water enough to get noticed is at risk of going through the same treatment and reddit has demonstrated well enough that they intend to play a campaign of whack-a-mole against emerging online leftist communities.

      The admins probably see this series of events as a potential tool in the box to suppress and remove elements of the left they do not want on their site anymore. They are fascists and want only a token ineffective left presence on the site.