• GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    One thing they leave out about the genocide definition: if requires an intent to at least partially destroy the group in question. Effectively, you must prove genocidal intent before any act can be counted as genocide. They've yet to do this. But lets go over the acts:

    killing members of the group

    Most of what they describe for this is old people dying in jail. Not being killed, just dying of being old.

    They cite one Radio Free Asia report with an anonymous source confirming a few hundred deaths. Even it admits that there are no details of who died and how.

    causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    This refers to imprisonment.

    deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    Again, mainly imprisonment.

    imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    This is pretty standard Chinese population control measures. There's always been reports of abuse in this system, but it's weird they're claiming these are part of a genocide aimed at Uyghurs, when the US has been characterizing these as non-racially motivated rights abuses forever.

    and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    This means orphans left in state care while their parents are in the camps. They're not abducting children.

    In conclusion: China is carrying out a mass indoctrination campaign, creating a surveillance state, and trying to reshape the economy (and thus, inevitably, lifestyle) of the region.

    None of these are genocide.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      3 years ago

      This is pretty standard Chinese population control measures. There’s always been reports of abuse in this system, but it’s weird they’re claiming these are part of a genocide aimed at Uyghurs, when the US has been characterizing these as non-racially motivated rights abuses forever.

      The evangelical nut claiming that having the Uighurs conform to birth limitation rules they were previously excepted from is a deliberate attempt to conflate birth control and abortion with genocide.

      That is what is most dangerous about this propaganda campaign, after the whole priming the American people for war mindset. If they can get these allegation to stick and earn the backing of a real international institution like the UN, they will 100% start weaponizing this rhetoric at home.