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    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      It's funny, because Dan Crenshaw tried to pull this shit a few weeks ago on his Podcast. He invited on a Candice Owens style trans-conservative who can whine about other trans-people and call the community a bunch of pedophiles.

      But the response to the episode was to associate his guest with the thing he was trying to stigmatize. People were horrified and disgusted at Dan for inviting on a trans-person. Meanwhile, Dan's feed isn't consumed by local Texas Liberals, so he wasn't able to propagate the "Good Trans-Activist criticizes Bad Trans-Activists" lie to the audience for which it was intended.

      Modern conservatism is far too rarified to support this kind of dialogue. It only works when presented by Bloomberg-crat liberals.

      • SadSoulja [love/loves]
        3 years ago

        Dan Crenshaw has a podcast? Okay I think it’s time for the podcast bubble to burst now...
