I’ve seen enough from the chapos to make me think all of them aside from amber are not class reductionists (aside from the self hating weirdo shit amber says) and none of them are racists (especially Matt). Why do they want to be associated with assholes like Sean McCarthy? I’ve been a leftist and an anti fascist for like ten years now, the left is supposed to beat the shit out of these dorks, not quasi cater to them like this Sean dude and Others on that side of Twitter.
Sucks to see Will and the others associate with that piece of shit.
Just because they hate neoliberals doesn’t mean fascist neckbeards are our friends. They’d gladly me have my Jewish ass gassed in heart beat
The last pod of theirs I listened to was the one where some liberal in San Francisco wrote something I forget was about, I think about education. Amber said the exact phrase "Class is all that matters!" I turned off the podcast right after that and haven't listened since.
Matt said in a cushvlog that class reductionism isn't real. That was disappointing but I think it sums up the other non-Amber Chapos. They may not be class reductionists but they are pretty ambivalent about things that don't relate to class.
It’s disappointing to me, but things change. I like the chapo dudes enough, but not really into listening to a bunch of wealthy white social democrats talk about how annoying liberals are for 50 minutes. That’s a tired dog and pony show. I’m more concerned about the rising right-wing in this country than dopey useless democrats at this point.