Lucas didn't do the clones justice by treating them as nothing more than CGI cannon fodder in the prequel trilogy. An entire other team had to create more (and better) stories to explore the obvious moral dilemma of creating clone soldiers enslaved to the Republic's MIC.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Probably a bullshit story made to hype up the Falcon

    I remember reading that George Lucas actually just straight up said that it's complete nonsense and Han's just trying to pull one over on them because a sleezy dirtbag who just lies and makes up bullshit for profit.

    Was anyone truly satisfied to learn that the Clone Wars were just a war where one side used clones? And the clones are just people?

    I remember the old EU explanation (before the prequels were released) was that the Clone Wars were a jedi civil war between the actual jedi, and literally just clones of themselves who were made to be evil or some shit. I think there was even a book with the plot "oh look there's another jedi that survived the Clone Wars, oh no plot twist they're actually the clone of that jedi and they're just evil because it's literally in their blood to be evil."

    All details and fun backstory will be overexplained until they completely lost any intrigue or mysticism about them whatsoever. Nothing can be left unexplained because that would require the audience to maybe think about it.

    That, and the mediocre EU writers scrabbling for inspiration or connections to the canon stories, so they can just make up whatever bullshit story they want and be like "oh hey guys look, it's like the thing they said in the movie! Remember that? Please associate me with your enjoyment of the movie!"